Spiritual Coaching

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Aside from doing Magick work, it is also my pleasure to offer SPIRITUAL COACHING and MAGICK TEACHING to serious people, not to mere “dabblers in the occult.”

SPIRITUAL COACHING: Many of us have had our heads screwed up and crammed with other people’s beliefs and fears. It is very difficult, for example, for many people to approach the Bible because it has never been presented to them in a way that is human and humane. Others equate the occult with blasphemy because of tape recorderthose voices deep within which really belong to someone else. People must get over those voices in order to deal with religion and spirituality on their own terms. I can help you to ERASE THE TAPES implanted during early childhood. You are an adult now, YOU NO LONGER NEED THOSE TAPES. Together we can ERASE THE TAPES forever so you can live your own life in your own way.

We have all seen people who preach long and hard to tell others that only one way exists to become one with the Godhead or to worship or to live life. Naturally, that one way is their way. Now consider this: You and I both want to get to Chicago. I, situated in New York City, would have to travel west. You, however, leave from Sanpreacher Francisco so to get to Chicago, you have to go east. See what I mean? We travel in opposite directions yet we will get to the very same place. So now what should we make of this? Do we start to argue? Argue with you insisting that going east is the only way to go, and I just as dogmatically insist that the only way you get to Chicago is by going west. Arguing will get us nowhere “East is the only way!” “West is best!”

A man wanders by, little suspecting what we are about to draw him into. We grab the man and lay it all out for him. Then we ask the man how he managed to get to Chicago.  So he says he’s from Alabama and we’re both nuts – “you get to Chicago by going north!” he says and he storms off believing that we’re both wrong.

Does that kind of behavior make sense to you? It shouldn’t. Yet that’s how many people view religion; going so far as to smugly insist that if you don’t believe in the same thing they believe in, then God the benevolent, God the merciful, God the loving, will crush you into little pieces and roast you alive for all eternity. Gee, thanks Oh Merciful One.

Now, I don’t mean to make fun of people who think that way (yeah, right) but millions do think like that. Millions of people have that message burned into their head over and over. It is like a Jewish woman I know who was raised in a strictly kosher household. Years later, as an adult and on her own, she no longer practiced the religion. It was a choice made in a rational way. No big deal. But that childhood training came rushing back to her the very first time she ate a pork chop! All those tapes started playing full-blast in Quadraphonic® stereo.

Childhood can be seen as a form of brainwashing, when you think about it. You come into the world knowing nothing (it seems) and that space gets filled up real fast by the folks all around you.


In Our Culture, Teaching Means Cramming Things Into Our Heads

As many psychologists note: until we do something about this training, we all walk around in a post-hypnotic trance induced in early childhood. Take education as a case in point.  As the Master Therion noted so many years ago, education means a drawing out. To “educe” is to bring out what is already there as a latent potential. But in our culture, rather than drawing out, education has become a matter of cramming in. Rather than helping us to find out who we are and what we were born to do, our educational system just crams into our heads what the “experts” agree is “knowledge” and “belief.” It can take a whole lifetime to get over the kind of mistreatment which is a standard education. I am not saying that I am either qualified or able to get anyone past this, but I sure as hell can help you when those tapes impinge upon your spiritual desires and needs. I’ll be there to help work out the answers with you, not for you. With you. It will be a Journey we take together.

All you need do is click on the Wizard below to contact me… I’ll be there for you, and everything that passes between us is privileged so I cannot and will not reveal it to anybody.


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A Most Enlightening Discussion!

Unless we work at it, we all exist in a post-hypnotic trance induced in early childhood. Who do you think taught you how to be a person?
I now present Dr. Bruce Lipton, interviewed by Iain McNay, on ‘The Power Of Consciousness”

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