Tarot WallpaperI have mentioned this on my show Rev. Eliot’s Magickal Window (Wednesday nights at 11pm Eastern over ASK1RADIO). I even feature it on my home page. But this is so serious that I felt it deserves a page of its own.

When people come to a card reader they deserve respect and honesty. Sadly, as with all trades and professions, Tarot also has its share of miscreants who use the cards to flim-flam trusting and unsuspecting people. The biggest scam of all is to lay out the cards, and then gasp in horror, “Oh no! You have a curse on you!” This alarms many people and at that point they are ripe for the picking. People have paid tens of thousands of dollars each to such underhanded people. This stuff makes the news sometimes. And it gives all legitimate Tarot readers a black-eye.

I have been reading Tarot cards since the 1980s, and I have only seen two cases in which a curse was laid on a querent. And then we took active magickal steps to end that situation. The cost? Not even $30, and that was for items the querent needed to purchase. None of that went to me. As with all professions, the key is in ETHICS. So here, I am presenting the American Tarot Association code of ethics. I am a member of the ATA. At the moment, I sit on the Board of Directors of the ATA. All ATA members take this very seriously. That is why I have this image that links to the ATA on every page of this website:

One last word – and I cannot say this often enough. I call it Rev. Eliot’s Law #1: If you go to a Tarot reader and you feel worse after the reading than you did before the reading DO NOT GO BACK TO THAT READER. Readings exist to help you, not get you so upset that you will lose critical judgment. Now here is the American Tarot Association CODE OF ETHICS. Click it to enlarge.
Blessings to all of you!!

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