Age of the Universe

How Old Is The Universe?
Kabbala Knew LONG
Before Today’s “Science”


I love the fundamentalists who say the universe is a mere 6,000 years old. And then there are those who denounce the bible because they think the bible says… the universe is 6,000 years old. In fact, the bible says nothing of the kind. Why is the bible the only book that people feel they have a right to critique without having read it?

Modern science tells us that the universe is about 14,000,000,000 years old. This is not news to the Occultist. Here’s something that may blow your mind: over 600 Have You Found Secret Pageyears ago a Rabbi named Isaac ben Samuel of Acre performed computations based upon the Torah (not the OLD TESTAMENT, folks, the Torah) and found that according to his figures, the universe is… 14,353,000,000 years old. Not bad! It took the modern-day religion of “science” SIX CENTURIES to catch up with an old Rabbi who worked with a quill pen.

The 6,000 year thing comes from a mistaken notion: the notion that “Adam and Eve” were created roughly 6,000 years ago. Were that true, it would mean absolutely nothing biblically since the Kabbala states that people were created millions of years before Adam and Eve.

Did you know that?

Look carefully at Genesis and you will see that before the fable of Adam and Eve, the Elohim created “…mankind in our image, in our likeness… So [Elohim] created mankind in his own image, in the image of [God he] created them; male and female he created them.”  – Genesis 1:26-27 which precedes Adam and Eve.

This answers the glib “GOTCHA” question that dilettantes love to ask as a supposed trap: Where did Cain’s wife came from? Cain’s wife came from the people who populated the world from the previous creation. This misunderstanding comes from people mouthing off about a book they never read and know nothing about.

Look: The bible is an interesting book. But it is a conglomeration of Bronze Age fables. It was never meant for mass appeal and it was certainly not meant to be read literally.


Lon Milo DuQuette

As Occultist Lon Milo DuQuette has so wisely said of the bible, These texts were crafted by mystics possessed of profound understanding of the universe and the mysteries of human existence. At a time when writing was reserved for priests and royalty, they used poetry and parables to express thoughts that everyday language could not accommodate. They assembled the phrases with great art from individual words that conveyed an even deeper level of truth; and finally, each word was made up of unique symbolic letters, each of which revealed yet another story – a story so profound and abstract it could only be told and understood in the pure language of numbers and mathematics. These sages were full-time holy guys. They wrote this stuff for other full-time holy guys, and the tiny segment of every generation who would be equipped with the intelligence, the spiritual drive (and leisure time) necessary to embark upon a lifelong quest for enlightenment. I assure you, these ancient mystics would have produced a radically different body of work had they in their wildest nightmares imagined that in some future dark age their secret coded scriptures would be seized by half-witted and sadistic European cannibals and interpreted literally, like some grotesque and racist history book.”
(The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford)

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